- Diposting Oleh Admin Web Fakultas Syariah
- Kamis, 3 Agustus 2023
- Dilihat 88 Kali
Community service is an essential aspect of a faculty member's role and is highly valued at IAIN Madura. The faculty members of the Faculty of Sharia are actively involved in community service programs, one of which is the "Indonesia Bisa" program at RRI Sumenep, August 3, 2023.
The "Indonesia Bisa" program aims to provide information and knowledge to the community, empowering them to improve their quality of life. The faculty members of the Faculty of Sharia play a crucial role in this program by sharing their expertise and practical experiences with the listeners.
By participating in the "Indonesia Bisa" program, the faculty members of the Faculty of Sharia contribute to the development of the local community. They are able to address the specific needs and challenges faced by the community, providing them with guidance and solutions based on Islamic principles.
Through their participation in community service, the faculty members of the Faculty of Sharia also enhance their own knowledge and skills. By engaging with the community, they gain a deeper understanding of the issues and concerns that affect the people they serve.
Furthermore, community service allows the faculty members to establish meaningful connections with the community. By actively engaging with the listeners of the "Indonesia Bisa" program, they build trust and credibility, which in turn strengthens the bond between the university and the local community.
The faculty members of the Faculty of Sharia at IAIN Madura are committed to making a positive impact on society through their involvement in community service. They understand the importance of sharing their knowledge and expertise with the wider community and are dedicated to empowering individuals to improve their lives.
In conclusion, the faculty members of the Faculty of Sharia at IAIN Madura play a crucial role in the "Indonesia Bisa" program at RRI Sumenep. Through their participation in community service, they contribute to the development of the local community, enhance their own knowledge and skills, and establish meaningful connections with the community. Their dedication to community service reflects their commitment to making a positive impact on society. The insight conveyed by the speaker “Dr. Achmad Mulyadi, M. Ag” is the importance of knowledge of Qibla direction for prayer.
Knowing the qibla direction is of utmost importance for Muslims when it comes to performing their daily prayers. The qibla is the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, which is considered the holiest site in Islam. It is the direction towards which Muslims face while offering their prayers.
Understanding the significance of knowing the qibla direction helps Muslims align themselves correctly during prayer, ensuring that their worship is in accordance with Islamic teachings. This knowledge allows them to establish a strong connection with Allah, as it symbolizes unity and uniformity among Muslims worldwide.
The qibla direction provides a sense of orientation during prayer, allowing Muslims to focus their attention solely on worship. By knowing the correct direction, distractions can be minimized, creating a peaceful and serene environment for prayer.
In addition to its spiritual significance, knowing the qibla direction also demonstrates the adherence and commitment of Muslims to their faith. It is a symbol of their dedication to following the teachings of Islam and upholding its principles in their daily lives.
The advancement of technology has made it easier than ever to determine the qibla direction. Mobile applications, websites, and even built-in compasses in smartphones provide accurate and precise information about the qibla direction based on the user's location. This accessibility ensures that Muslims can easily and conveniently find the qibla direction, regardless of where they are in the world.
However, despite the availability of these technological aids, it is essential for Muslims to have a basic understanding of how to determine the qibla direction without relying solely on technology. This knowledge is particularly crucial in situations where access to technology may be limited or unavailable.
Muslims can use various methods to determine the qibla direction. One common method is by using a physical compass, aligning it with the magnetic north and then adjusting for the specific qibla angle based on their location. Another method is by using landmarks or the position of the sun to estimate the qibla direction.
Overall, having the knowledge of the qibla direction is vital for Muslims to perform their prayers correctly and with devotion. It not only ensures the physical alignment during prayer but also serves as a symbol of unity, dedication, and commitment to the Islamic faith. Whether through technological aids or traditional methods, Muslims strive to maintain this important aspect of their worship, allowing them to connect deeply with Allah and strengthen their spiritual connection.